Working My Way Back


In two days it will have been a month and a half since surgery. This has definitely taking longer than I thought it would have and is really testing my patients. Really testing them. I unfortunately got a bit of a skin infection two and half weeks in to recovery; the tape didn't fall off on it's own like I was told it would, so when I peeled them all off on my own I was grossly surprised to see some of my skin peeling off with it.. The infection was festering right under the tape on the outsides of both of the lower incisions. It wasn't something that I could see with the tape on and even though I had been cleaning the cuts religiously I guess the tape was blocking the 'cleanliness' from getting to the needed areas!

On a brighter note, the insides of my legs have been healing really well. I have been spinning and doing strength lots and walking a fair bit, too. I was told by my physio to wait for the skin to heal completely before getting back into the more demanding activities like running and skiing...but I'm thinking that should be right around the corner soon.

Yesterday the Academy gals were doing either a 5km skate TT or a mock skate sprint. After going back and forth from spinning and rowing for my cardio workout in the gym I walked outside and sat on the stadium fence for a while watching everyone ski by. It was a busy day at the Nordic Center and I had such a longing feeling in my stomach to ski! I hadn't felt that for a while but watching everyone glide up the hills and working hard to get to where they want to be made me really wish I was out there with them. It's like a big giant bend down and pegged my boots to the ground in a mass start race and I just have to watch everyone ski away getting closer and closer to the finish line. Not a fun feeling.

For sure I'm going to have to change a lot of my goals for this season but I'm not going to let it be a write-off. This has just made me realize again how much I love to ski and it will make me more appreciative once I'm out there again and will motivate me to work harder to get back to where I was and then further.

This wasn't the cheeriest of posts so here's a funny picture to lighten it up. 
...Like doll, like girl?


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